A getaway is closer than you think.
Take a look at these available properties near you.

Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip
$195 /night
artic getaway condo

lakeside beach, alaska

Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip
$195 /night
artic getaway condo

lakeside beach, alaska

Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip
$195 /night
artic getaway condo

lakeside beach, alaska

Becoming a host with Biz n Trip makes it easy
for you to cash-in on your property when you're not using it!

Rent first. Buy Later.

These properties offer you the unique option of trying before you buy. Rent now. Buy later.

Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip
$195 /night
artic getaway condo

lakeside beach, alaska

Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip
$195 /night
artic getaway condo

lakeside beach, alaska

Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip Bizntrip
$195 /night
artic getaway condo

lakeside beach, alaska

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Popular Destinations

These are the top destinations amongst BiznTrip customers.